Hantec Trader

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Scaling plan

Have you passed your Challenge and realised you’d like to trade with a higher simulated balance than what you’ve initially purchased? With the Hantec Trader scaling plan you can!

What is scaling?

Upon successfully passing your Challenge, you’ll have the option to either take a Hantec Trader account with the simulated balance option you purchased, or you can immediately scale up to the next simulated balance option free of charge. All you’ll need to do to receive the Hantec Trader account with the higher virtual balance is pass the Challenge again with the higher virtual balance account.

So, for example, if you were to pass the $25,000 Challenge, you would be given the option to take the $25,000 Hantec Trader account or scale up to the $50,000 Challenge account. Pass the $50,000 Challenge and want to scale up again? No problem! You can scale up all the way to the $200,000 account!

The option to scale up your account is available for traders taking both the Enhanced Challenge and the Express Challenge.

Why do you need to complete the Challenge again?

In our experience, the emotions of a trader are significantly different when trading with a balance above what they may be used to or comfortable with. Completing the Challenge again with the higher virtual balance account will ensure that you have the necessary skill and emotional resilience to trade successfully in the long term which means you have a better chance of being profitable in the Hantec Trader account.

What happens when you scale?

The below table shows the progression for a client who’d initially purchased a $10,000 Challenge and the applicable trading objectives as they scale up their account.

Maximum Daily Loss

Maximum Total Loss

Profit Target


$500 (5%)

$600 (6%)

$1,000 (10%)


$1,250 (5%)

$1,500 (6%)

$2,500 (10%)


$2,500 (5%)

$3,000 (6%)

$5,000 (10%)


$5,000 (5%)

$6,000 (6%)

$10,000 (10%)


$10,000 (5%)

$12,000 (6%)

$20,000 (10%)


Maximum Daily Loss $500 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $600 (6%)

Profit Target $1,000 (10%)

Maximum Daily Loss $1,250 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $1,500 (6%)

Profit Target $2,500 (10%)

Maximum Daily Loss $2,500 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $3,000 (6%)

Profit Target $5,000 (10%)

Maximum Daily Loss $5,000 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $6,000 (6%)

Profit Target $10,000 (10%)

Maximum Daily Loss $10,000 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $12,000 (6%)

Profit Target $20,000 (10%)

Maximum Daily Loss

Maximum Total Loss

Profit Target


$500 (5%)

$1,000 (10%)

$1,000 (10%) / $500 (5%)


$1,250 (5%)

$2,500 (10%)

$2,500 (10%) / $1,250 (5%)


$2,500 (5%)

$5,000 (10%)

$5,000 (10%) / $2,500 (5%)


$5,000 (5%)

$10,000 (10%)

$10,000 (10%) / $5,000 (5%)


$10,000 (5%)

$20,000 (10%)

$20,000 (10%) / $10,000 (5%)


Maximum Daily Loss $500 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $1,000 (10%)

Profit Target $1,000 (10%) / $500 (5%)

Maximum Daily Loss $1250(5%)

Maximum Total Loss $2,500 (10%)

Profit Target $2,500 (10%) / $1,250 (5%)

Maximum Daily Loss $2,500 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $5,000 (10%)

Profit Target $5,000 (10%) / $2,500 (5%)

Maximum Daily Loss $5,000 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $10,000 (10%)

Profit Target $10,000 (10%) / $5,000 (5%)

Maximum Daily Loss $10,000 (5%)

Maximum Total Loss $20,000 (10%)

Profit Target $20,000 (10%) / $10,000 (5%)

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